Wednesday, May 30, 2007

From all over...

Since I haven't written in two months or so, I thought I'd sum up some stuff that's been going on in my life. It's nothing cohesive and there's certainly no format that I'm sticking to. Just a bunch of random blurbs:

-The end of the semester sucked major ass. I basically studied like hell, and vegged out otherwise. However, in the end, it payed off. BCC has my cum gpa at 3.67, though that probably doesn't include the F/D classes at West Point that didn't transfer. Whatever though, as long as I have that beautiful number on a piece of paper when I try to transfer to Buffalo and into the biomed program, things should go smoothly.

-Spider-Man 3 came out and I'm pretty disappointed. While the action was top notch and James Franco was hilarious, nothing otherwise was very good. The story was terrible; which is completely opposite of the second movie which had no action but an amazing story. I had chills go down my spine when MJ said "Go get em', Tiger" in the second movie, but there weren't any of those moments in the third.

-The lead up to my departure for Orlando has me split. On one hand it was terribly uninteresting and boring, on the other it was pretty good. I got to see most of my friends, something I didn't think was going to happen and I was sort of worried about. We definitely had some memorable conversations and one night out in particular was certainly one for the books. But the other hand leads me into my next point of interest...

-Yep. Still single. Have yet to run into Lois Lane or even Ms. Right Now, which I'm becomming more and more complacent with settling for. I went on a few dates before leaving and only one of them interested me. I felt like it would have been worth persuing but nothing came of it for various reasons. I still want to know why she agreed to it knowing full well that I was leaving in two weeks, but I haven't had the chance to ask her. Oh well, maybe she'll be around in seven months.

-However, while I'm here in Florida, there are definitely a lot of cute girls. It seems like every one of them I've met at work has been in full on flirt mode. One was even getting physical. I haven't really met anyone that I could possibly see myself having a meaningful relationship though. Whatever, it's only week one and I didn't really come here expecting that anyway. If anything this is just a chance to clear my head, get some work experience under my belt, and see the world a little a bit. I'm going to be moving all around the next couple of years and it's probably best to not get attatched to any one person unless they're really worth it.

-Work pretty much sucks, beyond the whole cute girl aspect. Almost no one speaks good english or knows what the hell is going on at any given moment. It's not too bad though, I figure if these people can do it, so can I. I'm not so egotistical that I think I'm the best at everything, but I think I can handle handing people food and making sure things stay stocked/clean. The pay isn't that bad either. I actually made more than I expected for not doing a whole lot last week when I was expecting to get next to nothing for the first week expenses and what not. So that's pretty cool. I'm not here to make money though; this is my vacation. You won't see me picking up other peoples shifts or scrambling for overtime. I'm just here to have fun.

-I really liked the Heroes season finale, but I know a lot of others didn't. That's their problem. In my opinion, it was extremely well written. Granted, they took a few liberties to make the story work, but comics do that all the time. The main part is making sure the themes coincide with what they were throughout the entire arc. I thought that Mohinder voice over at the end kicked all sorts of ass as well:

"So much struggle for meaning, for purpose, and in the end, we find it only in each other. Our shared experience of the fantastic, and the mundane. The simple human need to find a kindred, to connect, and to know in our hearts that we are not alone."

It's true. I'm a pretty indpendent person; if there's a movie I want to see, I have no problem with getting up by myself and just going to see it. Even I feel the need to embrace others though. Granted I don't need to surround myself with others at all times to feel like I have meaning, but in the end it is the experiences that we share with others which are most memorable.

The line "...and to know in our hearts that we are not alone," really gets to me when I start to think about it. I mean, I know I'm never alone thanks to a few good friends with whom we can share our worlds and views with each other, however I have yet to find a good woman with whom I can truely connect with. I've caught fainting glimpses at times that have left me with hope that there might be someone out there, but here I am typing this and thinking about where things went wrong or why our fates simply didn't align.

Fate. There's a silly concept. I'd rather like to believe that we are in control of our own destinies, I mean, if we aren't then what's the point? To enjoy the ride and see what the ending is? Ok, that's enough of that for now. Thank you Heroes for making my life that much more complicated.

-Yesteday I saw Pirates of the Carribean in DLP and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. If you ever have the chance to see Kiera Knightley in super high definition, you should oblige. The movie was really really good. I liked it alot, and I loved how they left it open ended for another movie.

-Speaking of another movie: NATIONAL TREASURE TWO OMFG!!!!! I loved the first one so freaking much and I know I'm a total dork for it, but holy shit, I was grinning the entire time throughout the trailer. I had no idea they were making another one. Wow, that made my year, and I cannot wait.

I guess I'll write some more stuff later or tomorrow when I get some time, though I'm pretty sure I work the next six days so that might not happen much. Oh well, life's good even if it's not perfect, at least the weather is nice :).