Friday, October 26, 2007

Wow, it's been a while.

Re-reading my last my post, it seems like I haven't written in ages. It's late, I can't play any games, and I can't sleep, so why not make a new post?

-So since I wrote my last post, probably a day or two after, I was thinking about my situation with the other girl in the posts and decided that rather than repeating the situation, that I would take a chance. Now, I know in my last post I said that I was more interested in the idea than the girl...well I lied. I was just a big chicken. However, this time I went for it...and I've been seeing that girl since. I won't say anything beyond that since I don't think this is the place and I don't like to talk about girls I'm currently dating in the public, but I'm having fun (in spite of the fact we both know it ends when I leave in January).

-Since that last post, I did GT I can't count how many times. I haven't done it in almost a month though. As of late, I've actually had a decent mix of both schedule and jobs. I've been doing shops, cash, training, midshifts, had a morning here and there, second shift, saturdays's been interesting. I think they've actually been listening to the CP's complaints and are trying to accomadate us.

-I went to a Boys Like Girls concert, it was fairly good. This was the first concert where I wasn't actually in the pit going crazy, instead I just kind of chilled in the back with the lady friend. It was a nice changeup, however you can guarantee when I see Breaking Benjamin, Sum 41, Brand New, or Jimmy Eat World, I will most definetely be in the pit. Rocking out, balls-to-the-wall style is the only way to experience those bands. Yes, singing my lungs out like an idiot as well.

So far I don't know what to think of my experiences in Florida. I know that I've changed a little bit as a person...I've opened up more. While in the past, I had no problem slipping into a role where I can easily communicate with people I didn't know when I was forced into it, such as in an interview, but now I can do it pretty much on command. With any one. It's great for manipulating members of the opposite sex by flirting with them, and it's hilarious to see when it works and they act completely different toward you then other people. I've learned that all I have to do is be loud, say stupid things (not un-intelligent persay, but things I would normally filter out), and not show any hint of shame in them. That last bit is probably the hardest, but whatever. I can thank Disney for showing me what it means to be an actor.

The weather here is starting to change. For the first day since I've been here, it was rather chilly. Even though two days ago it was probably around 95-100F. It's probably just a cold front, but it might be a preview of things to come.

Work is starting to get a tad bit exhausting. I'm finding myself mashing the snooze button closer and closer to the time I need to leave for work each day. I lack the will (and time) to do any cleaning around my room or any serious ammount of laundry. Thankfully, my new roomate isn't really here 90% of the time and I can get away with being a total slob.

Well, I don't really know what else to talk about in short at the moment. I still haven't gotten around to pounding out any of my stories from here quite yet. It seems like everytime I go to, I back down and feel I should journal what's going on instead. Either way, I need to do this more often. To the point where 25% of my blog isn't me complaining about how I never write or how I'm going to write something,

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Well after only three hours of sleep, I'm about to head off to work...again...until 1AM tomorrow, but before I do, I thought I'd hammer out some quick blurbs:

-Last night I was GT again...sort of. We had another woman who's fulltime and going to start as GT soon and she completely fucked everything up working alongside me. For starters, she wouldn't trust me with anything...other than the fact that she wanted to share a bank and that screwed me over later in the night when I had to recount all the money and figure out how much I was acutally responsible for. Also, she kept the keys to the bank all day long and wouldn't let me touch them, which was a major pain in the ass when she went on break and my bartenders/waiters needed change. Later that night, when we had to bank out the waiters, she was treating them like shit and yelling at them over at nothing. Oh, and she went on to charge a waiter $30.00 when she owed him $24.00, after he had told her she owed him money. Yeah, she fucked up royally there, and I had to call in my manager to have him tell her she was wrong, and it took him 15 minutes and various mathematical proofs for her to understand why. She almost did the same thing to the last woman, and it took a ciggarette and me as mediator to keep her from clawing the other GT's eyes out. The waiters are very simple: you treat them with respect, you don't yell at them, and you move as quick as possible when dealing with them and they'll do what they can to make your life easier.

-I had to move to a different apartment, but quite frankly it was an upgrade. Great location, my old roomate got to come with me, two of the roomates are very chill and have a soundsystem, not to mention one is over 21 (always a plus). My only fear is that we're going to have too much fun and have security called on us.

-I decided not to say anything to that girl. The more I thought about it, the more I realised that I was more interested in the idea of being interested in her than I was actually interested in her. If that last sentence didn't confuse the hell out of you, it's not a copout, it's the honest truth. I figure I might as well save something like that for a girl I truely mean it to. I think I'll shut up know before I come off as whiney and pretentious.

I know I say this every time, but I'll write more later. I have two days off and no video games to play, and I want to limit my spending. I guarantee I'll be writing some more later.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Few and Far

Since it's after 4 AM and I still can't get to sleep, I figured that I'd throw some of my thoughts down and start the process of clearing my head before my body sets out to do it the natural way.

-Tonight I finished my first night as GT. As GT, I'm responsible for the money of all four of the restaurants at our resort. That includes two bars, a food court, and a sit-down restaurant. I won't delve into how much exactly that is, but lets just say it's enough to stress over.

Of course, as my luck would have it, just about everything that could have went wrong, from the computers locking up when everyone was trying to bank out, to having to search for a decent chunk of money at the last minute, had happened. In the end, everything was ok (while I wasn't exactly on the dot when the money was tallied, it was close enough I guess). As my manager put it, "Well you've suffered the worse and now we know you can handle it." Why does it seem like I'm continously suffering the worse? Perhaps it's just my burden, or maybe I just find ways to make it my burden.

-On the homefront, things have gotten interesting. One of my roomates was fired, one was termed (kicked out), and one left on his own accords. This leaves our six man appartment with three rooms and three people. Of course, I dibbed up on the empty room and claimed it as my own. When new people arrive later in August, I'm sure they'll fill the empty spots and my old roomate will move into this one with me, but for now I have my own room, shower, two sinks, and a toilet. It's rather glorious. It took me an entire day off to clean it out and move in, but the privacy, nevermind the fact of its brevity, is worth it. Also, I'm having the HD projector mailed from home in about a week with plans to buy a surround sound system, so we should have a pretty sweet getup to boot.

-I'm quite excited that Football is starting up again, and even bought a Dallas Cowboys Jersey (Romo) in anticipation. I just hope I don't jinx the poor guy, as I really wish him the best, even if he doesn't stay with Dallas after this year. I think he'll do fine though and he doesn't seem very intent on being anything other than the QB of the Dallas Cowboys.

-Listening to a song by a certain band I've been listening to a lot lately, the line "I need to start to be myself// Because I'm sick of everybody else" really hits home. In the past two to three weeks since I last wrote in here, I've been for the most part my genuine self (with the exception of dealing with guests or infront of guests at work), and while I don't talk to a few certain people as much as I did when I was staying in character, I'm happy. The pressure of acting a certain way for the pleasure of a few isn't there any more. And quite frankly, fuck em'. This place is getting me homesick from time to time and this is one of the few things I can do to quell that feeling; act like myself. There are times where I feel like I'm by myself on another continent. I rarely hear conversations in English while I'm on the bus and even at work, English isn't commonplace. It makes it kind of hard to meet people as every time I go out with someone who doesn't speak english, our conversations are very generic and shallow. And while I'm not the deepest sea in the Ocean, I enjoy a rather engaging and heavy conversation from time to time.

-On top of that, of the few friends I have made, most of them are foreign and leaving in August. One girl in particular has pretty much best taste in music, has a cute accent, and is just down right gorgeous to boot. I'm still debating whether or not I should tell her how highly I think of her before she leaves. I'm not expecting anything of course, however this is a chance to tell someone how I feel and quite frankly I've never done that before outside of a situation I had engaged on those pretenses. Right now I'm banking on yes, why not? I have nothing to lose. I'm in Florida, living it up and looking to expand my horizons. Even if she has a significant other back home, she can go back and tell all her friends that there's a cute American boy back in the USA who adores her. At the very worst, she'll be offended, panic, and run away. I'll be momentarily hurt, but hey, life experience right? I don't think that one's happened to me yet!

-Other notable changes: I changed my hair again. Even though I know it won't stay like it for long, I stoppped giving a fuck and cut it short. I just leave the bangs down now.

That's it for now. I have two days off comming up so unless I do something totally sweet (not likely), I'll write up a story or two from my experiences here. I have quite a few of them.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

From all over...

Since I haven't written in two months or so, I thought I'd sum up some stuff that's been going on in my life. It's nothing cohesive and there's certainly no format that I'm sticking to. Just a bunch of random blurbs:

-The end of the semester sucked major ass. I basically studied like hell, and vegged out otherwise. However, in the end, it payed off. BCC has my cum gpa at 3.67, though that probably doesn't include the F/D classes at West Point that didn't transfer. Whatever though, as long as I have that beautiful number on a piece of paper when I try to transfer to Buffalo and into the biomed program, things should go smoothly.

-Spider-Man 3 came out and I'm pretty disappointed. While the action was top notch and James Franco was hilarious, nothing otherwise was very good. The story was terrible; which is completely opposite of the second movie which had no action but an amazing story. I had chills go down my spine when MJ said "Go get em', Tiger" in the second movie, but there weren't any of those moments in the third.

-The lead up to my departure for Orlando has me split. On one hand it was terribly uninteresting and boring, on the other it was pretty good. I got to see most of my friends, something I didn't think was going to happen and I was sort of worried about. We definitely had some memorable conversations and one night out in particular was certainly one for the books. But the other hand leads me into my next point of interest...

-Yep. Still single. Have yet to run into Lois Lane or even Ms. Right Now, which I'm becomming more and more complacent with settling for. I went on a few dates before leaving and only one of them interested me. I felt like it would have been worth persuing but nothing came of it for various reasons. I still want to know why she agreed to it knowing full well that I was leaving in two weeks, but I haven't had the chance to ask her. Oh well, maybe she'll be around in seven months.

-However, while I'm here in Florida, there are definitely a lot of cute girls. It seems like every one of them I've met at work has been in full on flirt mode. One was even getting physical. I haven't really met anyone that I could possibly see myself having a meaningful relationship though. Whatever, it's only week one and I didn't really come here expecting that anyway. If anything this is just a chance to clear my head, get some work experience under my belt, and see the world a little a bit. I'm going to be moving all around the next couple of years and it's probably best to not get attatched to any one person unless they're really worth it.

-Work pretty much sucks, beyond the whole cute girl aspect. Almost no one speaks good english or knows what the hell is going on at any given moment. It's not too bad though, I figure if these people can do it, so can I. I'm not so egotistical that I think I'm the best at everything, but I think I can handle handing people food and making sure things stay stocked/clean. The pay isn't that bad either. I actually made more than I expected for not doing a whole lot last week when I was expecting to get next to nothing for the first week expenses and what not. So that's pretty cool. I'm not here to make money though; this is my vacation. You won't see me picking up other peoples shifts or scrambling for overtime. I'm just here to have fun.

-I really liked the Heroes season finale, but I know a lot of others didn't. That's their problem. In my opinion, it was extremely well written. Granted, they took a few liberties to make the story work, but comics do that all the time. The main part is making sure the themes coincide with what they were throughout the entire arc. I thought that Mohinder voice over at the end kicked all sorts of ass as well:

"So much struggle for meaning, for purpose, and in the end, we find it only in each other. Our shared experience of the fantastic, and the mundane. The simple human need to find a kindred, to connect, and to know in our hearts that we are not alone."

It's true. I'm a pretty indpendent person; if there's a movie I want to see, I have no problem with getting up by myself and just going to see it. Even I feel the need to embrace others though. Granted I don't need to surround myself with others at all times to feel like I have meaning, but in the end it is the experiences that we share with others which are most memorable.

The line "...and to know in our hearts that we are not alone," really gets to me when I start to think about it. I mean, I know I'm never alone thanks to a few good friends with whom we can share our worlds and views with each other, however I have yet to find a good woman with whom I can truely connect with. I've caught fainting glimpses at times that have left me with hope that there might be someone out there, but here I am typing this and thinking about where things went wrong or why our fates simply didn't align.

Fate. There's a silly concept. I'd rather like to believe that we are in control of our own destinies, I mean, if we aren't then what's the point? To enjoy the ride and see what the ending is? Ok, that's enough of that for now. Thank you Heroes for making my life that much more complicated.

-Yesteday I saw Pirates of the Carribean in DLP and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. If you ever have the chance to see Kiera Knightley in super high definition, you should oblige. The movie was really really good. I liked it alot, and I loved how they left it open ended for another movie.

-Speaking of another movie: NATIONAL TREASURE TWO OMFG!!!!! I loved the first one so freaking much and I know I'm a total dork for it, but holy shit, I was grinning the entire time throughout the trailer. I had no idea they were making another one. Wow, that made my year, and I cannot wait.

I guess I'll write some more stuff later or tomorrow when I get some time, though I'm pretty sure I work the next six days so that might not happen much. Oh well, life's good even if it's not perfect, at least the weather is nice :).

Monday, April 23, 2007

New Heroes Tonight

Heroes is quite possibly the best executed t.v. show out there. Period. Every character is fascinating, the dialogue is well written, and the acting is top-notch. Even the special effects are of blockbuster caliber. Every week it feels like you're watching a movie. I'm looking forward to the final five episodes of this arc as much as I'm looking forward to Spider-Man 3. That's saying alot.

My Predictions:

Nathan Petrelli starts his journey on the path toward becomming a villain. If they actually go the Lex Luthor route and have him ascend into the presidency, I will be absolutely delighted. Nathan's such a complex character, both morally and situationally, that it should be more than an interesting ride.

Peter will get his scar from Sylar. Tonight. I'm expecting a full-blown fight too, they had better not dissapoint. Sylar will escape though, he's too awesome of a character to kill off at this point. The fact that these two are even fighting fills me with some sort of fanboy glee. On one hand we have Peter, a character who borrows the powers of those around him empathically, and on the other we have Sylar, someone who has to steal the abilities of others in order to augment himself.

Mohinder's going to have some sort of power.

Isaac's going to die at the hands of Sylar, much like Hiro had seen before. This doesn't suprise me, in terms of character, not powers, he's one of the more lacking on the show. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to miss all the Tim Sale artwork on the show if it does happen, but I have a feeling they're going to introduce a few more characters for the next season and they need to make a few cuts along the way. Also, if Sylar kills Isaac, you know what that means. Yup. A Sylar who can see and paint the future.

Claire's going to cry. Probably more than once. I just hope she doesn't turn into Lana from Smallville.

Ando's going to get laid.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Bless Children and Their Pretty Little Hearts

Last thursday, I was stoned. Not in the sense of a habitual drug user, but rather in the medieval corporal punishment sense. Not by an angry mob of villagers either, but rather a band of five children ranging from 7-11yrs old (I'm guessing).

I pulled into the downtown YMCA and parked my vehicle, looking forward to a blissful hour of exercise on a warm and sunny day and had just turned to walk towards the entrance when I heard a funny noise.

Did something just hit the car next to me? What the hell?

I turn around and look up to see a group of five little bastards throwing rocks at me, about fifteen feet away and sixteen feet up, sitting in the over hang of the State Office Building. It's kind of hard to describe the environment, but the little bastards must have been tactical geniuses with years of military experience to have picked that spot. There's no way I could have gotten to them if I had tried, and they clearly had the advantage of the higher ground. My only option of retaliation or apprehension would have been to throw the rocks back...and quite frankly I didn't feel like explaining to the police why I had knocked a ten year old out with a fist sized rock.

I sat there, stunned in disbelief that this was happening in broad daylight. All I could offer outloud was a pissed off, "Are you kidding me?"

Then one of the little pricks has the audacity to respond with a confrontational, "What?" This little asshole couldn't have been more than nine years old, and he was challenging me. This is when they directed their attention from throwing rocks at the vehicles and instead focused upon me. Not looking to catch any rather large stones with my teeth, I turned and ran inside to alert security. It was pretty much all I could do. The little fuckers had my balls in a vice grip.

Well, $321.00 in out-of-pocket damages later, and about an hours worth of filing police reports, I finally arrived home. I got my work out in and the little bastards got away. My parents were absolutely thrilled. Those little punks are lucky I have a calm and collective demeanor in such situations, whereas my father would've probably removed their spines from their bodies and be sitting in a cell somewhere awaiting trial. And had the shitstains been but a few years older, I would have gladly put who was faster and stronger to the test. Even if I had chased them down and caught one somehow, I didn't have my cell phone on me and wouldn't have been able to alert the police. With my luck they'd probably start screaming "Stranger Danger" or "Rape" and I'd be typing to you all as a registered sex offender.

The irony in it all? I left an hour earlier than I usually do for the gym so I could make it home on time to watch my favorite television shows at 8:00pm. If I had left at my normal time, it probably would have never happened. I didn't make it home in time for my television shows. Thursday is suppose to be my day of zen and it was going just swimingly until a roving band of douchemongers decided to throw a wrench in it.

I don't know though, I was laughing to myself at the absurdity of it all before I had even arrived home. Maybe I just have a dark sense of humor, but I find justice in the fact that they all have a long life of STDs, unwanted pregnancies, and getting stabbed ahead of them. I can't say that I envy that. I just hope karma really bends them over and gives them all she's got.

Happy Earf Day

Today is the day we observe our liberation from the opressive evil alien invaders as a world united.

You know, I had a big long fictional war story that I was going to tell, but I was thinking about it before I went to bed and ended up having a creepy dream about it. So quite frankly, it hits a little close to home.

So instead, I'm just going to recomend that you go outside and enjoy it. Maybe leave the place a little better than you found it.

UPDATE: Home Depot is being super awesome and giving away a million Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs while supplies last today, so go get one if you can. They're great bulbs and making a major push at the moment, so take advantage of the offer if you don't have any.

Home Depot

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Cooler Talk #2

A Poem for Billy Corgan

Oh Billy Corgan, why dost thou hair not grow?
Is it because you're sad?
The world doesn't understand the cries of a tortured artist.
Is it androgenetic alopecia?
Curse you wretched genes of our forefathers!
Perhaps you saw Powder and were inspired,
The world is undeserving of thee.
Smash thou gourds in spite!
Raise them overhead for their mockery of smoothness.
The clock strikes midnight.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Trippin' Balls

This past New Years Eve my plans fell through, rendering me a gigantic loser who stayed in as opposed to carousing the night away. But to say that I did nothing of epic proportions would be a complete and utter lie.

Now you may be familiar with the website Something Awful and you may be familiar with their forums, or you might not be. Anyways, on this messageboard of sorts, there was a thread that had caught my attention. The topic was the 'Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell Annual New Year's Eve Prediction Show'.

In middle school I was an avid listener of Coast to Coast AM. If you're not familiar with the program, it's a nationwide (on your local clear channel station) AM talk-show where they usually discuss things of the paranormal or conspiracy varieties. It's special in the fact that it normally airs from 11:00PM-6:00AM and anyone can call in. It's most renkowned host is the radio broadcasting hall of famer Art Bell, however these days it's usually someone else filling in for him.

This particular show, the one the message board was discussing, is held every New Years Eve. Anyone who's listening can fight through the phonelines for a spot on the air to tell the nation their "psychic" prediction for the upcomming year, and throughout the show they'll go through all the predicitions of the year past and either shoot them down or if Art thinks it was close enough, he'll give it a 'ding'. These predictions are usually the most off-the-wall, batshit-insane things you will ever hear. It also seems as if every other caller is dead serious and either has some pseudo-religious/spiritual agenda or believes that the government is out to get them.

Now, this thread is rolling along, people are discussing the wild various claims of the year before, and people keep mentioning how awesome it would be if one of us was able to get through and make our own ridiculous claim. This is when I said to myself, "I'm going to do it."

And do it I did. After three and half hours of pounding the re-dial button, I made it through at approximately 4:00 AM. I don't think I've ever been that nervous in my life once I got through the screener and she told me I'd be put on hold. Not only would I be talking to a world reknowned radio host, spouting some ridiculous prediction that came to me in a "dream", it was being broadcasted live across the entire country. So needless to say, once I got on the air I sounded a little dorky and I wasn't as smooth as I would have liked, but I pulled it off. I was a hero to everyone reading the thread.

So what was my prediction you ask? Verbatim: "The Sun is actually a sentinent entity and will reveal itself to Russia sometime within the next year." I actually stunned Art Bell. He replied rather simply with a pensive and thoughtful, "Huh..". I was just about to explain it when he started up again and totally ran with the idea. He explained to the listeners what an intriguing idea this is and how some Native American tribes believe that the Earth is actually a living thing and that we can't really dismiss such ideas. I actually have an mp3 of the call in its entirety so if you want it, I'll probably post some sort of link at the end of this article or you can send me an IM for it.

But back to the point at hand, lately I've been thinking alot about what it is to be a living thing, what makes us who we are, and consciousness. Not just in a theoretical sense, but biologically. Let's assume for moment that we're not in any way special, that we don't have anything resembling some metaphysical "soul", that we're simply machines that rose through the confines of nature. Our highly developed brains are the things that make us who we are, allow us to interact with our environment and process information much like the CPUs in our computers. Input goes in, output goes out. Our brains our quite possibly the most highly organized chunks of matter within the universe.

Or are they? How is it that one arrangement of matter can spawn something as conciousness and self-awareness? Is it possible that there are other arrangements which can do the same? We're moving forward in the field of nanotechnology every year. How long is it before we find another arrangement of matter which spawns conciousness and becomes self replicating? How long before we become 'Gods' ourselves? Who's to say that there isn't already other arrangements that we aren't aware of?

This leads back to the example of the Earth being a living entity. What qualifies something as living, something that reacts to the environment around it? Something that maintains a delicate state of equilibrium? Does the earth not do this? If something catalclysmic happens, does the earth not shift to adjust to these effects? Are the white blood cells which act independently within our own bodies aware on any level of the conciousness which controls their universe, constantly making decisions that they have no control over? Of course, I'm grossly oversimplifying the questions at hand. I'm not trying to create a new religion or win any converts, however I find the idea a fascinating one. Conciousness on levels that we might not be aware of or able to comprehend. Think about it and if you have ideas on the subject, please, send them my way.

Link to mp3 of the phonecall

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Reasons I Probably Shouldn't Have Professor X's Super Powers

1. Every Thursday at 6PM, every person in America would have the theme song to "The Price is Right" beamed into their heads.

2. Bill O'Reily would be convinced that he is a box of envelopes.

3. Casualties would be in the thousands every time I sneezed.

4. California would actually break off if I ever had a migraine.

5. Any person who secretly likes Nickelback would be exposed. Seriously, who keeps buying their records?

6. The lead singer of Nickleback would change his singing style to match that of Andy Gibb.

7. Hot pink would be replaced in everyone's minds with baby-poop yellow.

Art Is Resistance

Nine Inch Nails: Year Zero
Seriously. Go buy. I'll write a review this weekend, but it's amazing.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cooler Talk # 1 (I hate my scanner)

Reasons I love Pistachio Pudding

1. Green is the tastiest color
2. Bill Cosby tells me it's great
3. Bill Cosby doesn't lie

Monday, April 16, 2007

Band To Check Out

From time to time I'll write up a band or artist you should really conisder checking out.

Band to check out: Love Arcade

A rock group which I think would be described as power-pop; they're the musical equivalent of cotton candy. Too much and you'll spoil your dinner, but it's ok to indulge every now and then.

Album: Love Arcade (self-titled)

Keynote tracks to check out first:

1. Party - a feel good anthem with plenty of mainstream potential
2. Keep it Comin'- Upbeat love song that can't help but crack a smile
3. Sara - Obligatory slow sappy song, but they really pull it off
4. Candy - Inuendo that'll get you moving in spite of it's juvenile undertones

Check this band out now and be able to brag to your friends that you heard them first (I'm not assuming that you're some scenester who actually cares about those sort of things, but a victory's a victory! TAKE THEM WHERE YOU CAN GET EM'!)

Walking in a Springtime Wonderland

Today was supposed to mark my return to school after a week of "spring vacation". If the irony in that statement were any sweeter I might have choked as I fell into a diabetic shock. So instead of spending the day basking in whatever knowledge my professors had prepared on expounding upon me, I worked harder than a soviet on a commune removing the snow which had accumulated from my driveway. And unlike our Russian friends, I did not have my commrades to lean upon.

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but when one thinks of the word "snow", it usually conjures up images of lite, fluffy, and even powdery substances. This was not what I shoveled. Whatever I was shoveling weighed roughly 200 lbs./sq. inch. It was utterly ridiculous. Not to mention, the entire time I was shoveling a mixture of snow and branches kept finding their way to the top of my head. They were like laser guided missles in their uncanny precision.

However my worries and problems hardly seem comprabale to the tragedy that took place at Virginia Tech earlier today. It's just difficult to comprehend. My first reaction is to feel for the families and friends of all those who were effected. I can't imagine what they're going through right now. My second is to wonder what sort of effect this is going to have on our schools/gun control. It wont be long before every prospective presendential canidate is spinning this to their benefit. The pundits on the news stations are allready scrambling to fill air time with whomever's willing to talk about it. It's sickening.

This isn't to say that we shouldn't discuss why or how such things happen, or perhaps even how we might prevent things like this from happening in the future. I'm not calling for the abolition of critical discussion, not at all. It just sickens me that moments after such a tragedy has happened that there are allready people trying to figure out how they can capitalize on it or what stance they might take on it will benefit them the most. Partisan politics disgust me as it is and dragging things such as this into the middle of them make it even worse.

I think right now the only thing I can do in response to the tragedy is to be thankful. Thankful for everything I have, thankful for life, and yes, thankful for the snow. With everything in perspective, the rare April snowfall can be a pretty damn beautiful thing.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Where have the days gone?

Sweet Jesus, I've completely forgotten about this thing. The last time I wrote on here I was probably seventeen, and it most definitely shows through in the writing.

Anyways, I know no one reads this or probably ever will, however it's always interesting to find these things a few years later and see what was going on in my life way back when.

On that note, I'm definitely going to be writing on here again, though more than likely it will be a no non-sense approach, unlike my previous entries.

Ha, yeah right. Me and no non-sense? Yeah right. That's a double negative, it doesn't even work on a visceral level.